The 1st Internet World War Has Begun! (10-16-2013) Blog>


We are at War!!!

This is the first War being fought with Modern Weapons, such as Laptops, Tablets, Smart Phones, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and THE TRUTH.

Neither machine guns nor nuclear bombs nor all of the money in the World stand a chance against the Truth. <—Incidentally, Our WordPress Collaborative Patriot Team’s WordPress Website Development Work “Is All of the TOP Five”, and “Eight of the TOP Ten Search Results” of this Google Search for “federal government suppression of the truth”.


We need to GET REAL SMART QUICK! In Regard to War Strategy—>

***and do so within a matter of months***, or else—>

We The People may very well lose this War that we are in.

To tell the Truth one must be alive in order to do so.

From the standpoint of strategy, I am convinced that those of us fighting the NWO would be wise to band together in “Internet connected and networked” small groups!

Small and supportive groups housed in “bunker houses” is our best way to fight against the Power and Wealth of the Illuminati, or whatever they are called.

If We Are >Smart! About This< and WE DO NOT Underestimate Our Many Enemies, IF We Use Good Strategy, and We Are Are Careful At All Times, the Power and the Wealth of the Illuminati does not stand a chance.

Truth Trumps Lies, as Long as Those Of Us Telling the Truth Remain Alive in order to continue telling
the Truth to the World, and the U.S Government does not Unjustly Shut Down Freedom of Speech on the Internet.

Do any heroic people want to join with me to tell these Truths to the World? (Click on this to see them.)

Allen D sure could use some Competent and Awake WordPress helpers under the same roof! and perhaps a heroic Angelic Corporate Philanthropic Funder or Two!

May God Help Us All if the Bad Guys win.

ADOGG aka Allen D

>>> and >>> 

Deeply Appreciated

Help<<>>From his Hippie Gang of 420 Merry  

And Heroic!

Patriot Movement, Alternative Medical Suppression, Energy Invention Suppression and 9/11 Truth Movement
WordPress Website Development
Internet Revolutionaries!<<<


Notable Quotes

We are at War on the Internet! It is “A WAR FOR THE TRUTH!” Allen D

“We got *Balls the Size of Texas* for doing what we are doing vs. Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Illuminati (or whatever they are called), The Mafia, and the United States Government.

Written by By Allen D but with Critical WordPress Help from a Band of Patriot WordPress Internet Revolutionaries

I Cannot Imagine a Much Better World without the American Mafia’s close collaboration. However, I have yet to hear from them. That’s Odd. Hopefully, we will sit down with each other in NYC in November. Perhaps we should even be sitting down with each other now. Timing is everything! as far as market timing goes. And we control the timing! >>>Assuming that we get together soon and “work things between us out”.<<< ADOGG aka Allen D

My door is Always Open to you from this point forward. I am not afraid of you at all. In case things “go bad for me”, for I now have Many Heroic Guardians of the Truth on the Internet! ADOGG aka Allen D


Five Related WordPress Blogs to this one:

1) Federal Government, Wealthy Elite, and Mafia Suppression Of Truth Is The Norm It Seems (6-24-2013)


SuppressionByAllenD WordPress Web Page Address>>>
SuppressionByAllenD WordPress Web Page Link>


This WordPress Blog was originally titled “Suppression Of Great Truth Is The Norm It Seems” and was written on August 30 2010. It is my most popular blog worldwide, and with good reason. I have retitled this blog to reflect what I now know to be the Truth.

2) A Complex Battle Between 21+ Power Structures Is NOW Underway; The Future Of The World Is At Stake! (10-15-2013)

Posted on October 15, 2013 by 

A Complex Battle Between 21+ Power Structures Is NOW Underway; The Future Of The World Is At Stake! (10-15-2013)

The “Complex Battle Blog” found on our IdeasForInternetGovernment WordPress Website (and other websites) HAS >>> FUNDAMENTAL KNOWLEDGE THAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW! <<< >>

The U.S. Government
Has Monitored and
<—Censored This
“Concepts and Ideas
For Internet Based
Revolutionary WordPress Website
Since December 17th 2012 It seems!


3) Why I Feel Comfortable Stating The Need For Revolution (4-2-2013)

POSTED ON OCTOBER 13, 2013 UPDATED ON OCTOBER 13, 2013…ution-4-2-2013/ ‎

Preface dated April 3, 2013:

Don’t be surprised if you get a “Nothing Found Error” clicking on one of the Links shown Above. Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team (or just WordPress Collaborative Team or even WordPress Team, these all mean the same thing to those members of my Team)>>>IS LOSING BLOG AFTER BLOG to either Censorship Completely or Damaging Corruption.  This is Coming From UNITED STATES Federal Government hackers or Mafia hackers it seems. The prior statements have been true since December 17, 2012 when blog removal our WordPress Collaborative Team began.  Multiple parties in various locations (at least three, in FL, CA, and NY) around the country Witnessed this Hacker Interference Problem when the ***KEY*** December 11th 2012 “Notable Quotes blog” on Simply Disappeared OFF OF THIS PARTICULAR ONE OF OUR TEAM’S MANY WordPress WEBSITES!!! Then lots of things began to disappear or become corrupted in a damaging way ON A NUMBER OF OUR WordPress WEBSITES!!! We JUST LOST ANOTHER ENTIRE BLOG YESTERDAY OR SO!!! This stuff, blog removalis STILL GOING ON TODAY! Almost four months oft his Federal or Mafia Hacker Interference of our Blogs on Various WordPress Websites of ours! I, Allen D, am NOT the Only Internet Eyewitness to this stuff.  There are at least four of us watching this “Blog Disappearance with No Reasonable Explanation For It But Hacking” happen, and at least three of us are WordPress Experts… and I am no slouch either.

Since the material below was written on January 19, 2012 I have survived Numerous Additional Attempts by the Mafia to take my life. (See link for more.)

4) The HOLY TRINITY *WordPress* >>Blog Set<< 4 The *Patriot Movement* In America (10-13-2013)


This is a HISTORICAL WordPress Blog!

aCall4JustifiableRevolution HOLY TRINITY WordPress Blog Address>>>

5) A Patriot WordPress Website Development Team’s 17 PATRIOT Movement Websites (10-16-2013)

Posted on October 16, 2013
SweetSixteenWebsites WordPress Web Page> WordPress Blog> WordPress Blog>

This Organizational WordPress Blog is being Prepared by Allen D and his heroic Collaborative Patriot WordPress Website Development Team.

“We got *Balls the Size of Texas* for doing what we are doing vs. Big Pharma, Big Oil, the Illuminati (or whatever they are called), The Mafia, and the United States Government. Allen D with Critical Help from a Band of Patriot WordPress Internet Revolutionaries


July 4th Revolution Master Copy Web Page>

A Call 4 Justifiable WordPress Blog> Blog> Blog>

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