Just Cause For Revolution In America; Stan Meyer and His Water Powered Car (1-20-2012)

Posted on March 5, 2013 by 

Dear Fellow Americans:

The Power of the Internet *Unburied* the Incredible Story of Stan Meyer, a Genius From Ohio that *Invented a Water Powered Car* Back in the Early 1990′s.

Simply Google search for Stan Meyer water powered car.

Here is one site worth looking at:


YouTube also has some material in regard to this as per the link below:


What follows is a blog that I wrote in 2010 on the water powered car using another author’s material due to its being so well written:

The Water Car; An Article by Schuyler Ebbets on the Website athttp://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/ (8-25-2010)

The Water Car


Dear Fellow Americans:

About a week ago I ran into the information below regarding a man named Stanley Meyer and the water powered car he invented. Simply search for Stan Meyer, water car, or water powered car on Youtube or on any search engine on the Internet…. and/or read the material below.

This is amazing stuff.

Stan Meyer isn’t the only one that seems to have made a car run on water only… there are others doing this (or that have done this) as well (Daniel Dingel, etc.). However, Stan’s story is one of the most profound. What follows is one rendition of this.

The world lost a great deal when Stan Meyers was murdered for what he had discovered because his discoveries “threatened the powers that be”. It also may lose a great deal in regard to my discoveries if I don’t get some real help (and soon).

Allen Darman

The Water Car
Schuyler Ebbets

There are not words to describe the magnitude of this tragedy. It is the greatest injustice in history as it effects all of humanity and the earth. This catastrophe exceeds the burning of the Royal Library of Alexandria in the fourth century A.D., which set back the industrial revolution by a thousand years.

This scientific advancement is greater than the discovery of electricity by Benjamin Franklin, greater than the day Edison switched on his Pearl Street generating station’s electrical power distribution system changing our world forever. It surpasses the achievements of Nikola Tesla who’s patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current and helped usher in the second industrial revolution.

This one invention dwarfs all preceding achievements because it undoes all of the evil and destruction and human enslavement, which has resulted from man’s past relationship with science and technology. It would have completely eliminated global warming as it relates to the burning of fossil fuels. It would have ended the destruction of pristine environments in the quest for oil, like those in southern Africa, South America, and Alaska. It would have made dirty, dangerous, and inefficient nuclear power even more obsolete and ridiculous than it already is. More energy is required to produce nuclear fuel rods than they produce when a nuclear power plant is in operation. This new technology produces infinitely more power than it uses because it’s fuel is water.

Imagine a world where wars fought over oil are no longer necessary. The mass killing of millions of men, women, and children by America in it’s quest for oil would no longer be necessary. It would not be necessary to buy expensive gasoline, purchased with your labor and the blood of innocents. An ordinary car converted to run on water would be virtually free to operate except for the cost of mechanically maintaining the car.

This one invention by a gifted soul would have saved our ecosystem and turned our genocidal civilization into a utopia. But tragically and unjustly it is not to be. In order for humanity to climb up out of their self imposed pit of pollution and war, the wealthiest among us must overcome their greed and lust for power.

The people who are raping and murdering our planet will not suddenly awaken and realize that water is a far superior fuel source. It is easier and more profitable for them to attack country after country, killing and enslaving the people, and stealing their oil. After all this has been the barbaric behavior of human kind since we first emerged from the caves.

The corporate elite who now hold a noose around the collective neck of humanity tell us to accept our fate and not struggle, the noose will only grow tighter. More people die, our planet’s atmosphere heats up and the destroyers of life become richer and more powerful. It can only end with a damaged ecosystem and millions of dead human beings. It will end with melted ice caps, coastlines under water, and weather so cold and erratic that food is extremely difficult to grow, and in America as with the rest of the world, people will starve to death.

This is what awaits you and your children. You have given over your destiny and your planet to corrupt corporations and the people who own them. The ruling elite have decided that the earth’s population has become too large and now threatens the quality of life for them and their offspring. Disruption of the eco system will aid them in culling the herd. Of paramount importance is their power and wealth, and the survival of their self serving dynasties. Half of humanity will die so that a privileged few can continue their homicidal reign on earth. For them it is better to rule in a hell of their own making than to live as ordinary men on a peaceful and beautiful planet.

Stan Meyer was our technological savior. He said that America had become too dependent on oil and he wanted to change that. Although he had no formal education having quit high school, Stan Meyer was an inventive genius and his ideas were revolutionary. Using his amazing intellect for good rather than personal gain, he intended to help humanity. He wanted to free us from our enslavement to the oil companies. He wanted to stop global warming. He was bound for the greatest glory that any person has ever known. He would have been the man who shattered humanity’s oil dependency forever, ushering in a new dawn of prosperity, freedom, and hope for all except the greedy maniacal few who profit from selling oil and war.

His water powered car was better than an electric car because without numerous solar panels and plenty of sunlight they too must be charged by electricity produced ultimately from fossil fuels. Stan’s car was far ahead of General Motors hydrogen car, which simply burned hydrogen stored in a fuel tank which had also been produced with power generated by fossil fuels.

Stan found a way of using only half an amp of electricity to fracture water molecules separating the oxygen and hydrogen on demand. As the hydrogen was produced it was burned creating combustion more powerful than gasoline, and water was the only significant exhaust emission. Stan Meyer’s water engine technology could easily have been developed to power planes, ships, trains, and spacecraft, completely eliminating our need for oil.

Stan Meyer said he trusted in angels to protect him, but in March 1998, Stan was poisoned and died in the parking lot of a restaurant in his home town of Grove City, Ohio. According to his brother Steve, the U.S. Government came to Stan’s home a week after his murder and confiscated his car, which got 100 miles per gallon of water, and they stole all of his research equipment which he had used to develop the new technology.

Stan had been threatened many times and would not sell out to Arab Oil Corp. Stan said he was offered a billion dollars from an Arab to basically shelve his idea but he said, “No, this technology is for the people.”


► These two videos prove that the present wars being fought over oil never needed to happen. The million killed Iraqi men, women, and children never needed to happen. It’s all been a gigantic mass murdering fraud for the profits of oil and war.
• http://www.waterfuelcell.org/WFCprojects/Video/NewsReport.wmv
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9JagAv2nUE

Read more about this world class tragedy and watch more excellent videos about this subject at this site: http://waterpoweredcar.com/stanmeyer.html


© Copyright April 4, 2007 by Schuyler Ebbets. This article is posted onhttp://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/ Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title remains unchanged.


The Google Searchable Title to this July4threvolution WordPress Blog Is:


The Web Address of this July4threvolution WordPress Blog Is:



Most of the Blog Above *Concerns Material that is Copyrighted* as per the Below:

© Copyright April 4, 2007 by Schuyler Ebbets. This article is posted onhttp://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/ Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title remains unchanged.


Our own Federal Government *Absolutely Knew About the Validity of the Technology* Underlying the Water Powered Car way back in the early 1990′s when Stan Meyer invented such.

The U.S. Patent Office Knew about validity of the water powered car.

How did they know?

The U.S. Patent Office Knew because *they issued numerous patents to Stan Meyer for it*.

Stan Meyer met the Burden of Proof to Patent his incredible invention in the United States. He also met the Burden of Proof to Patent his Invention in many other countries around the world.

The Defense Department Knew about the water powered car of Stan Meyer. If you do some Internet research on Stan Meyer and the water powered you will find a reference (or references) to this. (I did.)

The Pentagon Knew about the water powered car of Stan Meyer. If you do some Internet research on Stan Meyer and the water powered you will find a reference (or references) to this. (I did.)

If the above mentioned parties knew about the water powered car, almost assuredly the President of the United States knew about the water powered car as well. (Was this George Bush Senior or Bill Clinton? I am not sure which. George Bush Senior was an “Oil man”, and the water powered car threatened the Oil Industry worldwide.)

What happened to Stan Meyer?

He was killed by poison while eating at a restaurant.

NATO Knew about the water powered car of Stan Meyer. Stan Meyer was meeting with NATO officials at the restaurant in question when he was poisoned.

[Incidentally, for those that think a water powered car using water for fuel is Impossible consider this… Stan Meyer is not the only man that Invented a Water Powered Car. A fellow named Daniel Dingel in the Philippines built about a hundred of them before he died not too long ago.]

Stanley Meyer’s Invention of a water powered car was simply Buried by the Powers That Be in our Federal Government.

Not only was Stan Meyer’s Incredible Invention buried when he was buried, this incredible invention stayed buried for many years afterward.

As far as our Federal Government is concerned, Stan Meyer’s Invention of the Water Powered Car is still meaningless today.


Stan Meyer’s Invention of Water Powered Car was buried until the Power of the Internet resurrected it… such that it became known about by hundreds of thousands of persons, and not just a few.

This single event of the Invention of a Water Powered Car being Totally Ignored (Suppressed) by our own Federal Government, not only back when Stan Meyer was killed, but *Up Until This Very Day*, should make one realize *Who Our Federal Government Actually Represents*.

Our own Federal Government represents *The Corporations, Not the People*.

We went to Afghanistan due to a False Flag Attack in which the Twin Towers and Building #7 were brought down by rigged explosives, and not airplanes crashing into them.

Then we went to War In Iraq under the False Pretense of Going After Terrorists, when we really went there to control their Oil.

Meanwhile, an ex-President and numerous persons employed in our own Federal Government (or retired from it) *Knew* that America could have been running it’s Entire Automobile and Truck Inventory *On Water Alone* as a fuel since the early to mid 1990′s.

Even Today *Not One* Congressperson or United States Senator *EVER MENTIONS* Stan Meyer and his Invention of the Water Powered Car.

Obama’s Regime dumped (wasted) five hundred million taxpayer dollars on a failed solar energy company called Soldynra. Imagine if even a tenth of this money was spent RESURRECTING THE PATENTED AND PROVEN TECHNOLOGY of the Water Powered Car.

If the above blog is not a Just Cause For Revolution in America, I do not know what is.

SmokeMasterAllenD and his WordPress Collaborative Internet Team


The Google Searchable Title of this July4threvolution WordPress Blog Is:

Just Cause For Revolution In America; Stan Meyer and His Water Powered Car (1-20-2012)


The Cut and Paste Web Address of this July4threvolution WordPress Blog Is:



A Note from Allen Darman: This blog contains copyrighted material by Schuyler Ebbets. This blog in its entirety, can be used, copied, reprinted, reposted, or reblogged anywhere on the Internet, by any person or party that desires. This material may be used in any manner that the reader wishes as long as it respects and complies with the following: © Copyright April 4, 2007 by Schuyler Ebbets. This article is posted on http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/ Permission is granted for reprint in print, email, blog, or web media if this credit is attached and the title remains unchanged.


Like this:

About SmokeMasterAllenD

My Name is Allen Darman. (Google me.) My Primary WordPress Website Since July 2009 Or So has been Nutrientscure Dot WordPress Dot Com. Nutrientscure.WordPress.com The Above WordPress Website has over two thousand and five hundred (2,500) WordPress Blogs on it (as of February 23, 2013). ************ As of April 10, 2012, I Am No Longer WordPress Blogging Alone On The Internet. As of April 2012, I Am The Leader of A Four Person Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team. Perhaps All I Wish to Say About The Above Mentioned Development at the Moment Is… Thank God I am not Working Alone!!! with WordPress Any More! ************ My Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team’s Primary WordPress Websites As of April 1, 2013 will Be Shared between Sixteen (16) Active WordPress Websites. SweetSixteenWebsites.WordPress.com/2013/01/11/hello-fellow-americans-1-11-2013/ ************ About Allen Darman I ordered a Second iMac today (2-28-2013) because I have already had a Devil of a Time in Regard to Hackers Heavily Attacking the first Apple Refurbished iMac I just got the other day (2-26-2013). Two Days of hacker hell! These are almost Certainly BOTH Federal Government and Mafia hackers. I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT MY SON WILLY’S ORIGINAL RECOVERY WIDELY ON THE INTERNET IN JUNE 2006. I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt! They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006! In regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record for the Guinness Book of Records. A man in the Energy Invention Arena Named Adam Trombly has me Beat, as he has had 54! Frankly, I am glad I am Number 2… who would want any more? That Dummy Allen Darman is Above! Boy, does he make a lot of mistakes! And he has a funny looking bald head! At Least He Works Hard Though. He Tries. Allen tells me “I am 420Single and 420Looking, I am a 420Power Blogger on WordPress, and I am an Activist for Positive Social Change”. Allen also Tells me “I know it’s Against the Law, but I need Two Wives, so that One Could Keep the Other Company when I am Working. I often Work 16-20 hours a day, and Sleep Most of the Rest. I would hate to have only one wife! She would be Always Be Mad at me >Cause I am Working So Much, and never gave her enough time! Heck, three wives would be even better! We’d be a foursome! U3 can have either M or F *Friends with Benefits on the Side* if You want more Adult420XXX Fun ’cause you are not getting enough from me sometimes! Communal Living of Sorts and I’m Outnumbered! in the house with 3 Females! Oh, shit! I’ll Always Get OutVoted! at DecisionTime!! I am the Happiest man Alive! that’s No Lie! Nobody could Ever Dream that they would ever get this far vs. Big Pharma and the Federal Government! Well, WE DID, me, my Collaborative Internet Team, Samantha Adams Dean Garrison, Jim Humble, Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. WE DID It! The Feds would be wise to begin negotiations, and Give Up Without Starting a Fight They Cannot Win! (War Benefits Nobody. Why Start a War that You Can Not Win?) >>>I am in Heaven and I am Not Dead Yet!

Hello world! (4-8-2012)

Hello world!


As of the Creation of this July4thRevolution WordPress Website, I Now Have *Two Active WordPress Websites*.

My Other Active WordPress Website Is Nutrientscure dot WordPress dot Com at http://nutrientscure.Wordpress.com. [This has changed since this July4thRevolution WordPress Blog was written on April 8, 2012. See http://SweetSixteenWebsites.WordPress.com for more details.]

There are *Over 1200 Blogs* published on Nutrientscure.Wordpress.com.

My Nutrientscure WordPress Site is Admittedly an Organization Mess.

In part this is due to my Changing Interests over the years. For a while I was almost solely interested in topics in the Alternative Medical Arena. Then I became interested in the Suppression of Free Energy Inventions, and the Suppression of Truth In General. Last fall I became interested in Blogging to Help Educate the OWS Movement.

Finally I found my True Calling, which is to *Help to Define* and *Offer to Lead* a New Internet Based Government for the New Freedom States of America. (This Is What This New July4thRevolution WordPress Blog Is All About.)

Please bear with me in regard to Copying Numerous Nutrientscure WordPress Blogs to this New July4thRevolution WordPress Website. Copying Numerous Blogs from One Blogging Platform to Another is a tedious task that is going to take me some time.

By Monday Evening I expect to Publish My First *Original Blog* For http://July4threvolution.Wordpress.com.

I Expect My First *Original Blog* on July4threvolution To Be a *World Changing One*.

I believe that the World will *Like* this New July4threvolution WordPress Website, as Well as Find It Very Interesting and Insightful.

Allen Darman

Website: http://July4threvolution.Wordpress.com


Like this:

About SmokeMasterAllenD

My Name is Allen Darman. (Google me.) My Primary WordPress Website Since July 2009 Or So has been Nutrientscure Dot WordPress Dot Com. Nutrientscure.WordPress.com The Above WordPress Website has over two thousand and five hundred (2,500) WordPress Blogs on it (as of February 23, 2013). ************ As of April 10, 2012, I Am No Longer WordPress Blogging Alone On The Internet. As of April 2012, I Am The Leader of A Four Person Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team. Perhaps All I Wish to Say About The Above Mentioned Development at the Moment Is… Thank God I am not Working Alone!!! with WordPress Any More! ************ My Revolutionary WordPress Website Development Collaborative Internet Team’s Primary WordPress Websites As of April 1, 2013 will Be Shared between Sixteen (16) Active WordPress Websites. SweetSixteenWebsites.WordPress.com/2013/01/11/hello-fellow-americans-1-11-2013/ ************ About Allen Darman I ordered a Second iMac today (2-28-2013) because I have already had a Devil of a Time in Regard to Hackers Heavily Attacking the first Apple Refurbished iMac I just got the other day (2-26-2013). Two Days of hacker hell! These are almost Certainly BOTH Federal Government and Mafia hackers. I have been chronically hacked and disrupted EVER SINCE I PUT MY SON WILLY’S ORIGINAL RECOVERY WIDELY ON THE INTERNET IN JUNE 2006. I am the Most Hacked Man on the Planet! No Doubt! They should put me in the GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS FOR BEING HACKED SO MUCH since June 2006! In regard to Murder Attempts by the Mafia thus far that have Failed, my count only stands at about 35 Failed Attempts, so I would not set the Record for the Guinness Book of Records. A man in the Energy Invention Arena Named Adam Trombly has me Beat, as he has had 54! Frankly, I am glad I am Number 2… who would want any more? That Dummy Allen Darman is Above! Boy, does he make a lot of mistakes! And he has a funny looking bald head! At Least He Works Hard Though. He Tries. Allen tells me “I am 420Single and 420Looking, I am a 420Power Blogger on WordPress, and I am an Activist for Positive Social Change”. Allen also Tells me “I know it’s Against the Law, but I need Two Wives, so that One Could Keep the Other Company when I am Working. I often Work 16-20 hours a day, and Sleep Most of the Rest. I would hate to have only one wife! She would be Always Be Mad at me >Cause I am Working So Much, and never gave her enough time! Heck, three wives would be even better! We’d be a foursome! U3 can have either M or F *Friends with Benefits on the Side* if You want more Adult420XXX Fun ’cause you are not getting enough from me sometimes! Communal Living of Sorts and I’m Outnumbered! in the house with 3 Females! Oh, shit! I’ll Always Get OutVoted! at DecisionTime!! I am the Happiest man Alive! that’s No Lie! Nobody could Ever Dream that they would ever get this far vs. Big Pharma and the Federal Government! Well, WE DID, me, my Collaborative Internet Team, Samantha Adams Dean Garrison, Jim Humble, Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. WE DID It! The Feds would be wise to begin negotiations, and Give Up Without Starting a Fight They Cannot Win! (War Benefits Nobody. Why Start a War that You Can Not Win?) >>>I am in Heaven and I am Not Dead Yet!

Good Morning Girls!!! How R U2 This Beautiful Morning? I Got Some Much Needed Rest Last Night! I Hope U2 Lesbian 420sub WordPress Serf Bears For 420SmokeMasterMe! Did 2! (1-12-2013)

Good Morning Girls!!! How R U2 This Beautiful Morning? I Got Some Much Needed Rest Last Night! I Hope U2 Lesbian 420sub WordPress Serf Bears For 420SmokeMasterMe! Did 2! (1-12-2013)


I Know FOR ***CERTAIN***!!!!!

Via Intuitive Internet WordPress Signaling
While Collaborating In Real Time
Over the Internet
Using WordPress
San Francisco Lesbian 420sub HEROIC
WordPress Website Development Specialists
Have Gone Through HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lately In Regard To
Being Repeatedly WHACKED With Poison Gas,
to INCLUDE All Day Yesterday
and All Last Night.

Unfortunately, this HELL!!! WILL CONTINUE
UNTIL u2 Exit The Apartment You Are In.
Even If They Back Off A Bit From
Whacking u2 With Poison Gas Today
They will whack you Tonight,
After the Last Amtrak Train Headed East
Has left the station.

I Pray That u2
Are Not Being Hit With Poison Gas!
As I write this.

I Keep Telling u2 that Amtrak,
or Perhaps An Emergency Plane Flight
if U are Rich,
is Your Only Way Out!

I know that u2 finally
heard me on this.

I hope u2 are Jumping On the Train TODAY!!!
Traveling Coach
Without Getting A Sleeper Car
Is Not That Bad.
There Is An Observation Car
With Windows And
Lots Of *Comfy Cuddle Seats For Two*.
Many Persons Simply Slept
In the Observation Car
When I took the train last May
2 try to join up with U2.

Before u2 Jump On The Train,
Or Take An Emergency Plane Flight,

The Best Place To Do This Is

Or ANY WordPress Blog On

Or Any WordPress Blog On

All Three of Us Know that
These poison gas attacks are
Being orchestrated by the Mafia.
There is not one iota of doubt
In any of our minds about this.
All three of us
Know what is going on here.

Don’t u2 find it interesting that
“As a result of monitoring Facebook,
And monitoring the Internet in general”,
The U.S. Federal Government
Most certainly knows that
“The Mafia is trying to repeatedly kill u2″,
And the U.S. Federal Government Also Knows
“The Mafia has repeatedly tried to kill me as well”…
Yet the Feds simply
***Stand On the Sidelines And Watch***.

If and/or When Either U2 or I
Or *All Three Of Us*
Are Murdered by the Mafia,
With Our Own United States Federal Government
Witnessing This
There is Inevitably Going To Be
Grave Consequences
For Both Of These Parties (the Mafia and the Feds),
Or at least there should be.

I Can Not Imagine How Our Deaths
At the Hands Of the Mafia
On Behalf Of Big Pharma
With The United States Federal Government
Just Standing By
Are “Going To Be Covered Up And Forgotten”.

Perhaps Our Deaths At The Hands of the Mafia,
With Our Federal Government Standing By,
Witnessing This Via Internet Monitoring,
And Doing Nothing About It,
Our Deaths At The Hands Of The Feds Themselves,
“Pretending to Be The Mafia”,
“A False Flag Attack Of Sorts”,
Will Spark the
Internet Freedom Woodstock!!! that
We had “Meant To Start Ourselves”,
And if so My Guess is
It Will Be A Very Well Attended Event!,
Probably Much Larger Than What
We Could Have Started Ourselves!!!
We Will Definitely Be Remembered There!!!

Thank God For The Power Of Google,
Twitter, etc.
And an Open and Free Internet!

In this Chess Game we are in,
We Three (We Four including Mark J.)
Have Played
The Powers To Be To AT LEAST A DRAW!!!
If They Bury Us3 Or Us4,
Our Collective Internet Martyrdom
Will Bury Them Back!
There Is No Way that
the Internet Freedom Folks
At Google,
Twitter, etc.
Are Going To Let the Powers that Be
Murder Two Or Three Or All Four Of Us,
In A Desperate Attempt To Stop
An Internet Freedom Woodstock
From Happening
This July In San Francisco,
And Simply Do Nothing About This!

Allen Darman


Puff Puff Pass!


Notable Quotes

Words, once they are printed, have a life of their own.
Carol Burnett

My Heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team and I Have Played the Powers To Be To “At Least A Draw”!!! If they bury us, our deaths are extremely likely to Spark a Worldwide Internet Freedom Woodstock hosted in the San Francisco Bay Area that “Will Bury the Powers that Be Back”!!! Our deceased Heroic WordPress Collaborative Internet Team would definitely “Be Remembered There”!!! Allen Darman or Puff Puff Pass! 420SmokeMasterAllenD!

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.Phyllis Theroux

To take an Amtrak train is a good way to get two hearts, minds, souls, and WordPress Lesbian 420sub Cherry Pies from San Francisco California to Albany NY! Especially when Google is watching over them! 420SmokeMasterAllenD

I loved words. I love to sing them and speak them and even now, I must admit, I have fallen into the joy of writing them.Anne Rice

I love two things, or three actually! I Love Words! and I Love! the 2 Heroic Lesbian 420Sub WordPress Website Development Specialists who stuck their necks out in April 2012, and put their lives on the line for the Truth, for the United States of America, for the World, and for me! Allen Darman

The first step in blogging is not writing them but reading them.Jeff Jarvis

In my next life, I want an easier job than I had in this one! In my next life, I aspire to be a paid reader and reviewer of WordPress blogs! Such a job would be very satisfying for me! I don’t know how good a WordPress editor I would make though! I need two editors myself when I write WordPress blogs! My writing has a tendency to be full of little mistakes! AllenD

I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork.Peter De Vries

An Incredibly Useful and Versatile Blogging Platform called WordPress made the Use of Paper to Write With Totally Obsolete! Allen Darman

Our WordPress Collaborative Internet Team’s “Incredible Eight WordPress Websites!”








Warning! Adult420XXX Material! Do Not Read If You Are Under 18 Or Are Offended by Such: 420SmokeMasterAllenD And His 2 Lesbian 420Sub WordPress Serf Bears Having Adult420XXXFun!

Another Poison Gas Attack To Try To Murder Two Heroic Lesbian 420sub WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Members Occurred On The Night of January 12/13 2013 And May Still Be Ongoing As Allen Darman Writes This Blog (1-13-2013)

Posted on January 13, 2013

Addressed to my 2 Special Lesbian 420sub Heroic WordPress Friends: DO NOT EXPECT ANY POWERFUL FRIENDLY PARTY TO SHOW UP AT YOUR DOOR AND HELP YOU.







I Love You2
and I am Giving You Two My Best Advice in regard to the Above.

Puff Puff Pass!

Notable Quotes

Be obscure clearly.E.B. White

I was never one for being obscure! I like to tell it as it is!, in as clear and direct a fashion as possible. 420SmokeMasterAllenD

My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team of Four Heroic Geniuses is at **the Forefront of the Battle For Internet Freedom** here in the United States. Our Federal Government wants us Silenced by either being “Jailed Forever” or “Made Dead” for sure. And they are not picky in regard to “Who Kills Us”. They Don’t Care if “It is the Mafia or Themselves”. Allen Darman

The best style is the style you don’t notice.Somerset Maugham

I have made this letter longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter.Blaise Pascal

The Only Course of Action To Save Two Lesbian 420sub WordPress Internet Freedom Heroes From Certain Death Quite Soon (1-11-2013)

I, Allen Darman, am Not Under Any Immediate Threat Of Dying At The Hands Of the Powers that Be.

They Are Too Afraid Of Making A Martyr Out Of Me. 

Unfortunately, Half of my Four Member WordPress Team IS UNDER IMMEDIATE THREAT OF DYING, 
In Part Because Thus Far They Have Made Two Foolish Decisions.

One of these Foolish Decisions Is To Not Ally With Me By Name, As a Heroic Man Named Mark J. of CoveredWebServices.com did.

The Second Foolish Decision My Two Dearly Beloved Lesbian 420sub WordPress Collaborators has made, is That they have yet to Widely Internet Publish their Travel Plans, and Get On An Amtrak Train to Join Up With Me.

The Above Course Of Action Is Quite Literally The Only Chance that They Have Of Surviving Another Month Or Two.

These Two Heroes May Be Dead Next Week.

I Pray that “They Wake Up” and “*Get Real Smart*” Quite Soon. 

Allen Darman

Notable Quotes

I try to leave out the parts that people skip.Elmore Leonard

I try to use my logic and deductive skills to figure out the parts that people skip. I have to Deeply Thank my Mother Marion Darman for fostering my logic and deductive skills by the Great Books! she continually fed to me when I was a child and young man. The lessons that she was responsible for teaching me have quite literally saved me from Certain Death at the Hands of the Mafia dozens of times since they first tried to kill me on January 6, 2010. AllenD


My God!!! When Will These Poison Gas Murder Attempts On AllenD’s Two Dear Lesbian WordPress Website Development Specialists, 420subs, Lovers, and Friends End??? (1-10-2013)


My God!!! When will these poison gas murder attempts on my two dear Lesbian WordPress Website Development Specialists, Lovers, and Friends End???

We three have worked out a system on the WordPress Websitehttp://WhatMayBeMyLastWeeksWork.WordPress.com  so that I Know For Certain Whether
and When the Two Lesbian Members of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team Are Getting Whacked With Poison Gas.

In checking the Above Website at Eight Thirty pm, I got the Bad News that My Two Heroic Helpers and Special Friends Are Being Subjected to Poison Gas by Either the Mafia or the Federal Government Again.

Even though I am nearly certain it is our Federal Government that has been using Hackers to remove and corrupt our Team’s WordPress Blogs, when it comes to these Poison Gas attacks, I suspect the Mafia is more likely to be behind them than the Feds.

If these Two Lesbian Heroes are Murdered, after our Federal Government falls to the Truth, the New American Internet Based Government should martial all the Power and Might of the Military and Intelligence Community to Go After the Mafia With Every Ounce Of Power And Strength that this country has.

I was, and still am, willing to work with the Mafia on a Mutually Beneficial Win-Win Basis after our Federal Government falls. The Mafia has gained a great deal of Power in both America and the World. I would like to see that the Mafia uses this Power For Good in America, and in turn I pledge to do all that I can to see that you are well compensated fiscally for this (more than you make now).

However, if my two girls are Murdered ALL BETS ARE OFF. If my two girls are killed, I will fight the Mafia until the day I die, and I will never try to collaborate with them in any way, shape, or form for the rest of my life, however long or short my life will be.

A few words stated directly to the Mafia: If it is not you that is trying to kill my two girls with poison gas, it would be wise for you to find out who is trying to kill them, and stop this party from continuing to do so. If it is you trying to kill them (as I strongly suspect) it would be wise for you to not only Stop Doing This, but actually use your considerable power to protect them.

A few words stated to the American Public: If my two girls die at the hands of the Mafia, I am likely to be next. When you succeed at overthrowing our Corporate and Mafia Controlled Federal Government, your Next Step towards Freedom Should Be To Spend Tens of Billions Going After the Mafia from Coast to Coast, and either imprison them, execute them, or deport them, depending on what each individual member had done, or was likely to have done.

A few words stated to Internet Freedom Fighters Everywhere: If my two girls die, you would be wise to realize that you have three enemies in regard to regaining and retaining your internet freedom. One is “the Corporations”, two is “federal governments”, and three is “the Mafia”. To regain and/or retain your Internet Freedom and Freedom In General You Need to Vanquish ALL THREE ENEMIES, and NOT JUST ONE OR TWO.

The single exception to the above general rule might be in regard to the American Mafia as follows: If I am successful in overthrowing our Corrupt Federal Government, and the Mafia reverses its position In Support of our Federal Government (which it controls in a Big Way) and In Support of Various Corporations, I see numerous uses for the Mafia, and they should be paid for such. However, I should note that I have yet to see one single concession from the American Mafia, and they have been the party that has tried to kill me Numerous Times since January 2010.

Allen Darman

Notable Quotes

The scariest moment is always just before you start.Stephen King


A Complex Battle Between At Least Ten Power Structures Is Now Underway; REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s ONLY CHOICE (1-9-2013)

Posted on January 9, 2013 by 

A Complex Battle Between At Least Eight Power Structures Is NOW Underway (Google Seems To Have Joined My WordPress Collaborative Team); REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s Only Choice!

 Reblogged from July4threvolution:

 ***Important Prefacing Note Dated January 9, 2013: The Complex Battle Referred to in this Nutrientscure.WordPress.com WordPress Blog Actually Involves Ten Power Structures, Rather Than the Seven or Eight Power Structures that the Title of Previous Versions of this “Complex Battle WordPress Blog” refers to (and the copy below alludes to). Therefore its Title has been changed to “A Complex Battle Between At Least Ten Power Structures Is Now Underway; REVOLUTION SOON Is The American Public’s ONLY CHOICE (1-9-2013)”. 

In addition to Google seemingly joining My Revolutionary Collaborative Team of Four Heroic WordPress Website Development Specialists (an Event that changed the Original Post of this “Complex Battle WordPress Blog” from Seven to Eight Power Structures), it is *Now Apparent To Me* that both Facebook and WordPress have become Aware Of and Are Supportive Of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team as well. Facebook and WordPress represent Power Structures #9 and #10. Twitter may also be aware of us and supportive as well. If so, eleven power structures are now involved in this Complex Battle Between “The 99% of Us” and “Those In the Corporate and Governmental World that Continue to Want To Tell Us a Pack of Lies”.

Both the United States of America and the World Stand At A Very Major Crossroad In Human History, if Not the Penultimate One.

The Growth and Development of the Internet has Awakened Millions of Persons Around the World to the Fact We the General Public Are Being Told A Myriad of Lies, or Lies of Omission, by Numerous Corporations, Numerous Industries, and Numerous State and Federal Governments, to include our own Federal Government here in the United States.

The Exposure of a Number of Lies By the Powers That Be via an Open and Free Internet will Inevitably Breed Justifiable Revolution, both here in the United States and Worldwide.

There is a Major Movement Underway by the Powers that Be to Curtail Internet Freedom, and To Silence By Secretive Murder Some of the Leading Internet Revolutionaries. (EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of My WordPress Collaborative Internet Team is Under the Threat of Either Imprisonment or Death at the Moment. Three Out Of Four Of Us Have Had To Survive Multiple Attempts To Murder Us. In regard to two of these three persons, the multiple murder attempts were quite recent.)

Although Some Of Us May Be Killed Fighting For Internet Freedom and Freedom In General, It Is My Firm Belief that the Truth Will Inevitably Win Out Over the Lies.

There is No Stopping the Truth Now!

For All Those That Wish To Stop the Truth From Reaching The Light Of Day,
all that I have to say to you is “It Is Simply Too Late!”.

Thank WordPress, Google, Facebook, Twitter, 2 Lesbian 420sub Heroes in San Francisco, Mark in Florida, my Father and my Mother, and God!

Allen Darman  [end of prefacing note]

The Power Structures in this Complex Battle that My Revolutionary Collaborative Internet Team’s WordPress Website Development and WordPress Blogging Initiated are as Follows…

 Power Structure Number One… the Corporations.

The Corporations ARE THE BIG EVIL HERE. They have Control of Governments Worldwide via the Methodologies of Bribing Politicians, Bribing Main Stream Media, and Employing the Mafia to Use Force (and to Kill When Necessary).

Power Structure Number Two… Federal Governments Worldwide… to Include our own Federal Government Of Course…

Read more… 301 more words

Notable Quotes

The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.Agatha Christie

The best time for planning a Revolution is when you are Smoking a Bong and Blogging on WordPress while dressed in a Comfy Bath Robe and Your Underwear at home. 420SmokeMasterAllenD

Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you.Marsha Norman